Saturday, November 25, 2006


在停火协议中,据巴勒斯坦府官方发言认称,他们已经同意停止对以色列的炮火攻击。同时,以色列官方发言人Miri Eisin声称,他们将从加沙地带撤军并停止一切军事行动。她说,“我们认为停火的希望是可以实现的,我们希望Gaza尽快恢复平静停止战争”。
她说,这次的停火协议只限于加沙地带,不包括West Bank。
美国的一位白宫官方发言人声称,这次停火协议是一个“积极的进步”。这位白宫发言人Alex Conant说“我们对此表示欢迎,希望这次停火能够减少以色列和巴勒斯坦人民之间的暴力冲突”。

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- A total cease-fire in Gaza began at 6 a.m. local time Sunday (11 p.m. Saturday ET) after Israelis and Palestinian factions agreed on a proposal, authorities said Sunday.

All Palestinian factions have agreed to stop firing rockets into Israel under a cease-fire agreement, according to Nabil Abu Rdaina, a spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government has agreed to withdraw troops from Gaza and cease military operations, said Miri Eisin, government spokeswoman.

"We think that there's the possibility of hope here," she said. "What we hope is that the violence itself will stop, and we'll be able to see a little bit of peace and quiet in and around the Gaza Strip." (Watch Eisin discuss cease-fire Video)

The agreement covers only Gaza, she said, and not the West Bank.

Just before the cease-fire took effect, militants fired three rockets into Israel, according to Israel Defense Forces. No one was injured, but a building was damaged.

Abbas called Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to offer the cease-fire.

In the United States, a White House spokesman called the cease-fire a "a positive step forward."

"We welcome the announcement," said spokesman Alex Conant. "We hope it leads to less violence for the Israeli and Palestinian people."

Rdaina said, "We hope that this will be a good start to stop all the activities and to withdraw from Gaza as well from the Israeli troops."

The firing of rockets into Israel has recently prompted Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. Three such airstrikes occurred Saturday and early Sunday.

In one of the recent strike